Welcome to the SUSTech
Brain-Robot Rehabilitation Technology Lab


Welcome to Brain-Robot Rehabilitation Technology Lab. Our lab aims at using robots, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and other technical methods to develop an accurate, real-time closed-loop, life task-oriented neural rehabilitation system.

Our lab is led by Prof. Mingming Zhang, who is a PI, Researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, SUSTech. Now, there are 2 doctors, 5 doctoral students, 11 master students, and 2 research assistants in our lab.

At present, our team has carried out research in the fields of (1) physical human-robot interaction, (2) brain-computer interfaces for neural rehabilitation, and (3) wearable robotics for rehabilitation and enhancement

Research Areas

Physical Human-Robot Interaction

Brain-Computer Interfaces for Neural Rehabilitation

Wearable Robotics for Rehabilitation and Enhancement



朱飞博士于2024年8月21日下午14点-15点在工学院南楼722会议室,为我们带来报告,主题为:面向开放环境的未知拒识。 个人简介: 朱飞博士于2018年获清华大学学士学位,2023年获中科院自动化所模式识别与智能系统博士学位。主要研究开放环境下的可信与持续学习理论与方法,在国际顶级学术会议和顶级期刊上发表论文十来篇。 演讲摘要:

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香港中文大学机械与自动化工程学系教授、博导张立,将于2023年11月22日上午10点-11点在腾讯会议(会议号:220 417 360),为我们带来线上报告,报告内容为:软物质构建微型软体机器人。 摘要:

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Recent Results

祝贺钟文娟在IEEE M2VIP国际会议上荣获最佳会议论文奖

恭喜脑-机器人康复技术实验室钟文娟在第29届IEEE国际机电一体化与实践机器视觉大会(M2VIP)上荣获了最佳会议论文奖(Best Conference Paper),论文标题为:A Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Gesture Recognition from High-Density Electromyography,其组内成员有钟文娟、张昱阳、付沛文、熊雯萱,指导老师为张明明老师。 Congratulations to Wenjuan Zhong from the Brain-Robot Rehabilitation Technology Lab for winning the Best Conference Paper Award at the 29th IEEE Interational Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP). The title of

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