Welcome to Brain-Robot Rehabilitation Technology Lab. Our lab aims at using robots, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and other technical methods to develop an accurate, real-time closed-loop, life task-oriented neural rehabilitation system.
Our lab is led by Prof. Mingming Zhang, who is a PI, Researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, SUSTech. Now, there are 2 doctors, 5 doctoral students, 11 master students, and 2 research assistants in our lab.
At present, our team has carried out research in the fields of (1) physical human-robot interaction, (2) brain-computer interfaces for neural rehabilitation, and (3) wearable robotics for rehabilitation and enhancement
Research Areas
Physical Human-Robot Interaction

Brain-Computer Interfaces for Neural Rehabilitation

Wearable Robotics for Rehabilitation and Enhancement


Prof. Bin Fang will Give an Online Lecture about Tactile Perception And Interactive Learning For Robotic Dexterity
清华大学计算机系助理教授,中国人工智能学会认知系统与信息处理专委会秘书长方斌,将于2022年9月16日下午14点30分-115点30分在腾讯会议(会议号:930 723 619),为我们带来线上报告,题目为:机器人灵巧操作的触觉感知与交互学习。 个人简介:

2022年南方科技大学机器人交互技术及医工应用高端系列论坛在主办单位南方科技大学的大力支持下将于2022年1月11-13日以腾讯会议的方式开展。本次专题在线论坛的组织架构为4位荣誉主席、13位指导委员会成员、2位组委会秘书、1位执行主席。 其中,张明明助理教授作为执行主席主持本次论坛。


Prof. Zhang Mingming gave a Keynote Talk in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR)
The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (IEEE RCAR 2021) took place from July 15 to 19, 2021 in Xining, Qinghai, China. Dr. Mingming Zhang, from Southern University of Science and Technology, gave a Keynote Talk with the topic as Task-oriented rehabilitation techniques with robot-assisted information feedback.

Prof. Dongrui Wu will Give an Online Lecture about Machine Learning in Brain-Computer Interfaces
华中科技大学人工智能与自动化学院教授、博导,图像信息处理与智能控制教育部重点实验室副主任伍冬睿,将于2021年5月27日下午3点-4点在腾讯会议(会议号:960209065),为我们带来线上报告,题目为:Machine Learning in Brain-Computer
Recent Results

Research Progress in A New Compound-limbs Paradigm: Integrating upper-limb swing improves lower-limb stepping intention decoding from EEG was Reported by IEEE TNSRE
Our master student ,RuiMa, and postdoctoral fellow,Yifeng Chen, proposed a study about A New Compound-limbs Paradigm: Integrating upper-limb swing improves lower-limb stepping intention decoding from EEG inIEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering(jcr-2,IF: 4.9)

Research Progress in Close-Range Human Following Control on a Cane-Type Robot With Multi-Camera Fusion was Reported by IEEE RAL
Our masters student ,Haowen Liu and Fengxian Wu, proposed a study about Close-Range Human Following Control on a Cane-Type Robot With Multi-Camera Fusion in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) (IF = 4.321).